The Stars of Heaven
Did this one a few years back. Enjoy.
The Stars of Heaven
Did this one a few years back. Enjoy.
It really doesn't matter what kind of man you are if you are not a man of God.
Well it appears that Royce White was a hit at the Trump rally in St. Cloud yesterday, as he received a standing ovation by many supports when he entered the auditorium.
Royce is already the MNGOP endorsed candidate for US Senate seeking Amy Klobachar's seat. However, the opponent that he defeated (at 68%) at the MNRepublican convention (Joe Fraser) decided to not respect the wishes of the people like he said, but rather decided to challenge Royce in a primary. So we have to put Royce over the top with the MN primary election on August 13, 2024. EVERYONE MUST VOTE. Well, democrats don't have to ;-).
Anyway, here is a great shot of the Crowd from Clowd (St. Cloud).
How much do I have to hate you to know that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and not tell you?
If you live in Minnesota, you must check out this candidate seeking repressive Amy Klobachar's seat in the senate.