Please go to, United American Patriots, and check out this site for our brave soldiers who have been accused of crimes in the heat of battle. You can see their stories there. We owe them everything.

Please go to, United American Patriots, and check out this site for our brave soldiers who have been accused of crimes in the heat of battle. You can see their stories there. We owe them everything.
We have got to put an end to domestic and international lobbying. Until we do, they will never work for us. Go to and get your reps’ email addresses and phone numbers. Let them know what you want, and tell them you’re watching them, no more blind trust. Demand they work for the people paying their salaries, not the corporations who wine and dine them, lavish trips upon them, and donate to their campaigns. Did you know that the more money brought in by donors gets you higher seats on committees?
What are we willing to give for our liberty? Our time, treasure, and talents? Many have given their very lives! Let’s always honor all our veterans - both past and present - for the sacrifices they and their families have made.
Go to to see a running real-time tally of what illegal immigrants are costing us a year. I used to think it was at least $500B, but now I think it’s more like a trillion, especially now with the ongoing invasion. We have got to start deporting the ones who are already here illegally, because the newer invaders are going to be here for awhile. The theft of our taxpayer money to pay for illegals is unconscionable. Our Veterans, elderly, poor, and Americans should come first. We can’t even get decent healthcare. Go to to get your reps’ email addresses, etc., and let them know they should start working for Americans and not their corporate donors, and that theft of trillions of dollars is a felony, and they should all be locked up.
Patriot, POTUS supporter, love and support our troops, veterans,,,, (Guardian Angels For Soldiers Pets),,,,,