I back him 100% and is the only politician I will ever give money to going forward. I am not a Republican and definitely NOT a Democrat, I am a patriot as is President Trump!

I back him 100% and is the only politician I will ever give money to going forward. I am not a Republican and definitely NOT a Democrat, I am a patriot as is President Trump!
I.E. Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Amazon, ETC
Hope your Feelz aren't hurt by the #truth, sorry I have very little encouragement for your future. I am still offended by the ease of so many to become offended.
I'm a Flag wavin', Harley ridin', gun owing sailor - mostly conservative with enough liberal thrown in to have a lot of fun type guy! Country raise, citified a bit but down to earth and comfortable with everyone. Love to make people laugh at the everyday.
Call me 'Mitch'
Life has at times been good and at times been real bad too - but then life is not fair. All we can do is learn from our mistakes, I can assure you I have, live for today, appreciate being alive and be thankful for that which we have and not morn for what we do not.
I am a giver not a taker and that has gotten me in trouble many times - but in my mind I have done my part to help others in this crazy world. Even if it has cost me emotionally or financially.
I have peace of mind of the who I am today and glad I am not who I once was.
I dance with my wife and friends Saturday's at Millennium Maxwell House. I ended up raising my boys on my own during their high school years. I am blessed for having the greatest kids a father could have and am thankful that I was able to be there for them. Having to feed two high school age boys and myself, I learned how to cook fairly well. I tend to be a perfectionist (maybe the OCD in me?) and like keeping my home PERFECTLY neat and clean. Seems I can always find something to do around the house. But then I can find time to hit the couch now and then as well. I am a jack of all trades type of guy and can fix, build or do anything I set my mind to.
My physical limitations now are slowing me down a bit but will not stop me from having fun and working my butt off as I always have and guess always will.
Now '2014' newly married and a new house enjoying my last adventure.
2016 finds my physical condition reduced to a point where I have had to sell my sailboat and Harley. Sad to part with some of my life's passions but reality is a bitch one has to learn to live with. I WILL NOT stop dancing though. Looking to retire next year. Here's hoping my plan is a solid one.
Made to Retirement. Now let's hope I have enough money till I die. HA!