Good morning Patriots! Is the Dam finally about to break? ????❤️

Good morning Patriots! Is the Dam finally about to break? ????❤️
**** URGENT ALERT *****
I would encourage y'all to contact President Trump at
and let him know to not consider any LAND FOR PEACE deal with Israel as any valid policy. I believe Jared Kushner is working on such a deal to be unveiled after the Israeli election this May
Here is what I wrote him:
Dear Mr President Trump, I LOVE all that you are doing for America and our allies but, PLEASE do not sign or verbally agree to any Land For Peace deal with Israel and Arabs! I say this with utter humility, Mr President. There is a spiritual LAW in place that you cannot defy the Lord God on. Every president that has done so has put America in peril. Almost every natural disaster to hit us is parallel to bad policy regarding Israel. Listen to the Holy Spirit on this. Listen to your Spiritual Advisors. Please. Or all the battles you've won for us will be for nothing. There is nothing more important on your agenda than what happens to Israeli land and this will 100% affect the 2020 Election. I love you Mr President and pray for you and your family. So very grateful for you all! I and my family were 100% MAGA before your GOP nomination and we support you completely and with great love and appreciation for ALL you have sacrificed for us!
"Abort late term to save the mother's life" is a LIE! Here is perfect example. This mom at 37 wks with life threatening issue has a C SECTION to save her infant as well as to save her own life. This is reality. Why kill a baby that is viable?
#ElectoralCollege is the best #ElectionReform the world has ever seen! WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY (mob rule) as HRC likes to call us. We are a REPUBLIC with Individual Rights protected by a Constitution with a #BillOfRights.
I’m a Nurse, a full bloodline daughter of the American Revolution and will fight to the bitter end for the preservation of this Republic. I am married to my soul mate❤️ and am a disciple of Jesus Yeshua Messiah. He is the center of all that I am and live for. #MAGA #KAG2020 #PrayForTrump #QArmy