Think of it... imagine if you will... Oh, how great He is, His magnificent, endless love for us must be unimaginable! If He knows ALL the stars by name, He knows your every desire and every dream you dream.

Think of it... imagine if you will... Oh, how great He is, His magnificent, endless love for us must be unimaginable! If He knows ALL the stars by name, He knows your every desire and every dream you dream.
Grace to the liar in your life,
Grace to the whiner in your life,
Grace to the single Mom you don’t agree with,
Grace to that divorced lady searching for a new spouse,
Grace to that emotional person you think is weird,
Grace to that lonely man sitting at the bar,
Grace to the scroungy little boy without a coat,
Grace to that angry co-worker you deal with,
Grace to the person who always disagrees with you,
Grace to that man searching for his next girl whose name he won’t know in the morning,
Grace to the depressed person whose tears won’t stop,
Grace to the addict that just can’t leave it alone,
Grace to that teenager that looks like a hooker,
Grace to that foul mouthed neighbor that gives you dirty looks,
Grace to that old lady that took so long to cross the street,
Grace to all you meet....
And, grace to you, God wants you give you even more grace than all of these. Diane Grant
The Holy Spirit doesn’t do things the way we imagine sometimes, and He is unique to the way each of is hear and receive. Often His promptings look like this for me: Talking to my daughter about our situational delays with our house and how life has been put on hold for so many. 2020 has made hash of dreams, crashed into us with many disappointments and made us weary with the instability that it’s brought.
What spilled out next has resonated with us for days now, it wasn’t me, trust me, I’m not that clever, wise or profound, so it was the Holy Spirit. “Most of us are living life in the future, instead being present in the now. We are hoping, dreaming, putting life on hold instead of living in the moment, living in THIS moment God has given us.”
Wow, I’m guilty of this as we have waited for our home to be fixed, living in what we see as a temporary situation that’s dragged on for over a year now. We have been living without curtains, without kitchen utensils, without many things packed away in storage, because well... real living is “out there somewhere”. Not here. OUCH?!
We have all been through similar things this year that has tried us, and hopefully trued us. Could His purpose for us have been to bring us to more truth, deeper truth, than we could have recognized otherwise? Anyone else feel this? Diane Grant 10/10/20
Retired, loving life, I'm a transcriptionist for Jesus (my gift is writing devotional type material). I love my family, the great outdoors, photography, gardening, flowers, camping, the forest and dogs. She sells #camilife down by the seashore. Yes, I help ladies get more comfortable with the ultimate support, love the skin you're in, ask me.