We can no longer deceive ourselves. The old America is gone. We need to start forming Committees of Correspondence to begin a New Nation. This is not a call for a violent uprising. We do not have the strength in numbers that we need as of yet, we do not have the established powers that lie at this time in the hands of the media, the corporate world, in the military, the educational establishment and in the political establishment. Nevertheless America has passed from being a New Zion in the Wilderness to being Babylon, full of every unclean and evil spirit. Here is a template for this New Country. You may modify it, abbreviate it, add or subtract from it's contents, but this at least is a start. This will not happen overnight, but the movement must begin. I would suggest conferences through land line phones, with old land line business phones if you can pick them up in thrift stores. Confidence is of the utmost importance. As Benjamin Franklin said, "We must all hang together or we shall all hang separately". Will there be Christian martyrs in America's future? Possibly. Will there be men with the fiber of a Nathan Hale? The American Revolution started in the early 1770's and the last battle occurred in 1783. This should not be done prematurely and not with some ragtag band of vigilantes. We need to garner popular support first, and this will take a couple of years. Here is the template https://web.archive.org/web/20....190214024221/http://
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