Shalom, So Sherlock what is happening lately ????? Any good mysteries taking place ?
Shalom, So Sherlock what is happening lately ????? Any good mysteries taking place ?
Shalom, Remember ????? Today is Friday. The day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad. YAhooo!!!! Purrrraying that our gracious Lord and Savior will bless you every time you bless others every day sharing His Word. Mt. 10:42; Ps. 119:1-176; Jn. 15:1-27; Ps. 150:6
The lyrics are difficult to find as is the album on which this song appeared. This is a rare live performance by Jimmy Dean from 1965. Many of the protesters he refers to are now running this country as elected politicians.
WELCOME friend to my Faith and Fun page and God Bless. Please feel free to share any of my Posts. As I'm originally a Brit, I've been in that actual room in Baker Street more than once !