Lt. General Pacepa states on page 37 and 38 of his book Disinformation; “When the Great War - World War One – ended, Russia looked like a mobile home community hit by a hurricane. The new communist rulers assassinated the tsar, his family and his aristocracy, abolished the country’s governing institutions, demolished her millennial religion, seized the land owned by wealthy Russians, confiscated the country’s banks and industrial enterprises and killed off most of their owners. Russia’s history, traditions, social customs, ethical values, and everything else that had ever meant something before the October Revolution of 1917 were thrown upside down and inside out – even if only for the sake of change. Nevertheless, the new communist rulers religiously preserved the ‘science of disinformation,’ realizing that this historic Russian tool fit their needs like a glove. Changing minds is in fact what communism is all about… During the Cold War, more people in the Soviet bloc worked for the disinformation machinery than for the Soviet army and defense industry, put together. The bloc’s intelligence community alone had well over one million officers and several million informants around the world.” He states that to them should be added the vast number of working for the international disinformation organizations that the KGB secretly created. These organizations were headquartered outside the Soviet union, pretended to to be independent international entities, and published their own newspapers in French or English. Some of those international “Potemkin villages”, with whom General Pacepa was personally involved included: the World Peace Council (112 countries); the World Federation of Trade Unions (90 countries); the Women’s International Democratic Federation (129 countries); the International Union of Students (152 countries); and the World Federation of Democratic Youth (210 countries). The first of these was the World Peace Council (WPC) in 1949. It’s main task was to claim authorship for Soviet-concocted materials “documenting” that the United States was a war-mongering, Zionist country financed by Jewish money and run by a rapacious “Council of Elders of Zion.” The goal was to create the fear that the United States would ignite a new war in order to transform the rest of the world into a Jewish fiefdom.
“There was a major condition for disinformation to succeed, and that was that a story should always be built around a ‘kernel of truth’ that would lend credibility.”
The World Peace Council was expelled from France, and was as purely Soviet as could be. It’s daily business was conducted by a 21-member Soviet-style Secretariat whose members were undercover foreign intelligence officers from nine Soviet bloc countries. The WPC also had 23 Soviet-style vice presidents, all communists. The WPC had Moscow-financed branches in 112 countries. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, most of the organizations survived and continue the same anti-American messages as during their heyday. The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), the second-largest Kremlin-built organization, also survived the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is still headquartered in Prague, and it still uses anti-American Cold War rhetoric. In 2000, it called for “the immediate lifting [of the American] economic blockade against Cuba, Iraq, Iran and Libya.” – all communist-controlled entities at the time. The Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF) also survived. On March 8, 2000, the WIDF organized a march in Calcutta to celebrate the Soviet-established International Women’s Day. The International Union of Students (IUOS), also remaining headquartered in Prague, now has 152 national unions in 114 counties. It continues to propagate hatred of the United States. Although these groups hide their true ties to Moscow, they continue to advance ideas and programs that support the Kremlin’s causes through disinformation. They are, according to Lt.General Pacepa, perfect outlets for continuing disinformation.
Lt. General Pacepa is the highest-ranking Soviet-bloc Intelligence officer ever to defect to the United States. He was the Chief Intelligence Officer under Soviet-Controlled Romanian tyrant Ceausescu until his defection in 1978. He was trained by, and intimately involved with, Soviet KGB operations for over 20 years.
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