It's coming. Just like it has for thousands of years . . . the seasonal Flu. But they will have another name for it intended to strike fear into the populace to get them to comply.

It's coming. Just like it has for thousands of years . . . the seasonal Flu. But they will have another name for it intended to strike fear into the populace to get them to comply.
So, Facebook whistleblower talks about how Facebook operates and her biggest complaint is that Facebook doesn't censor enough. Apparently they allow to much "hate speech", or as I like to call it . . . conservative opinions. Wow.
So . . . current administration associated individuals are on a crusade to purge anyone who supports Trump from the ranks of any Federal position - to include even the U.S. Military. Anyone who is a Trump fan is considered a threat and not allowed in certain locations or on certain duties.
Now, can you just imagine the blowback if Trump had tried any of this? If Trump had directed his commanders to find out who their troops had voted for and expunge the ones that supported his opponent???
Everything you see Biden and his minions doing, just imagine if Trump had done that. Imagine if Trump had started installing walls and razor wire around Washington DC.
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.