Our Elections are Rigged and our Borders are Broken. How can a Country do worse than that!

Our Elections are Rigged and our Borders are Broken. How can a Country do worse than that!
"You judge a society by how it treats its citizens. We must do our best to ensure that every child can live in comfort and security, with the best possible education." -Melania Trump
"We can talk about Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security. We can talk about school, we can talk about everything. Defense is number one or we don't have a country." -Donald Trump
"The reality is that our military presence on foreign soil is as offensive to the people that live there as armed Chinese troops would be if they were stationed in Texas. We would not stand for it here, but we have had a globe-straddling empire and a very intrusive foreign policy for decades that incites a lot of hatred and resentment toward us." -Ron Paul
The NRA is not perfect, but it does have a lot of clout to fight the political battles we face today. Stay in the NRA and fight off an agenda that strives to take away our self-defense rights. Always keep the political fight on the offensive. I hope Texas is very welcoming to the NRA.
(FOX 9) – The National Rifle Association announced on Friday that it is "dumping" the "toxic political environment" of New York, filing for bankruptcy and moving its organization to Texas in what the organization calls a "restructuring plan."
"Today, the NRA announced a restructuring plan that positions us for the long-term and ensures our continued success as the nation’s leading advocate for constitutional freedom – free from the toxic political environment of New York," NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre wrote in a statement to members. "The plan can be summed up quite simply: We are DUMPING New York, and we are pursuing plans to reincorporate the NRA in Texas."
I am a constitutional conservative and never apologize for it.