fishing with the grand boys With Henry Sargent , Robert Sargent

fishing with the grand boys With Henry Sargent , Robert Sargent
A lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal reveals the per-capita death rate for the coronavirus is 75% lower in states that did not panic into lockdown mode. "GOP governors have faced enormous media pressure to lock down their states in solidarity with Democrats, and some now are getting browbeaten to shut down again amid coronavirus flare-ups. So it's worth pointing out that states that didn't lock down this spring kept the virus under control and experienced fewer deaths than most [of the states] that did," the Journal's editors said on Wednesday.
"A new analysis by The Sentinel, a Kansas nonprofit, compares the 42 states that shut down most of their economies with the eight that did not. The latter group includes mostly rural states with some small metropolitan areas: North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming and Utah.