Estes Park is one of our favorite places to go especially when there's nothing else to do, aren't they growing up fast?

Estes Park is one of our favorite places to go especially when there's nothing else to do, aren't they growing up fast?
Shiela Upton
January 24 at 15 PM ·
It has really been on me to share something I saw in a vision a couple of nights ago...
I saw Moses standing at the Red Sea. And knowing how the story ends, the Lord had me take my eyes off Moses and start paying attention to the people all around him facing what appeared to be certain death....
I could hear them quarreling with each other, and directing their anger at God, Moses and each other. I could feel the fear coming off all the people. The fear was so overwhelming....
In the distance I saw someone break away from the crowd and run into the sea. A second later, I saw another, and another....Until there were so many, I couldn’t count them all....
Suddenly, Yahweh split the Red Sea! And as I looked on, all those that had ran out to sea were just washed away....I remembered feeling the ache in my heart for those lost as I watched them get swept away....
They had been so close! Right there and seconds away from seeing Yahweh’s Miracle, and missed it because they had allowed fear to rule them, rather than to take a stand. A stand not for themselves, but for Yahweh....
In that moment I realized that we are standing at the Red Sea and God is literally about to Unfold Heaven On Earth for all of us to see...
Please, don’t be the one that runs out to sea, and encourages others to follow...
Make A Stand On The Rock Of Yeshua!
Hold the Line!
Wait for the Miracle!!!
Joe took the kids to the airplane museum over the weekend and they all really liked it!!!