My older dog, Zeke, just passed away today. :'(

My older dog, Zeke, just passed away today. :'(
Copy-Paste of my post from my FB ...
After watching a *lot* of the videos on YT of the looney lefties having meltdowns on SM ... I'm going to be so glad when full Free Speech is restored to all *American Based* SM platforms.
For about 248 years, one of this country's biggest freedoms and rights was Freedom of Speech.
Time to restore that!
I think any Social Media platform that is owned by an American needs to stop the nonsense and let its users have the freedoms and rights we all as Americans have had since the late 1700s.
Or be replaced by those who will give us those freedoms and rights back.
I'm tired of these vapid, selfish, cry-babies and their 'oh you offend me! shut up! ' tirades and other anti-American crap.
I'm also tired of the truth on some subjects being banned from the internet .. stuff like the truth about v---------s, one of the biggest things being censored lately.
If I get FB Jail again over this post, that will just prove my point.
Y'all can find me at if that happens.
SM - Social Media
This is just one of a *lot* of videos ... It's so ridiculous and really shows the world that at least these lefties are the spoiled brats of American society.
We don't want them. Someone send some to GITMO because of posting threats to k*[[ anyone who voted for trump. They can just go stuff themselves in at Alcatraz, too, I think!
Sad that Australian news is so sane compared to ours and that they report the truth on many things far better than our news sites. ugh. Time to get the same way or even more free than that.
Those who are anti-American ... I'm just SO glad #letsgobrandon Team is OUT ... ! LOLOLOL. I'll just put it that way.
2 Chronicles 7:14 .. We as a Nation .. *NEED* to do this asap.
So *very* glad that does NOT censor anyone!! Thank you!! I've got a litter on the way