Pastor Carl Gallups says: I've been preaching, writing, teaching, and SCREAMING this for over 10 years. NOW, that world affairs has captured the attention of those who, before, were not paying attention.... let me say it again:
"We are now living in the most prophetic times since the first coming of Jesus Christ. Israel has been back for 72 years. EVERYTHING prophetically, is tied to the return of Israel. Now we can see it happening, right before our eyes. The Church had better prepare itself, wrap itself in prayer, asking for discernment and wisdom. It had better stand unashamed of the name of Jesus, the Word of God, or to deal directly with false prophets and false teachers.
The days of lawlessness, deception, rebellion, and apostasy are now, literally, rolling in like a flood. Take heart! Stand on the Rock! Live each day in worship and thanksgiving. Boldly shine the Light of Jesus into the darkness, wherever you go. Make it your life's mission!" (Ephesians 5)
If you are not born again, biblically, through the blood of Jesus - let me urge you to call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to save you - this very day. Today is the day of Salvation!
"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord..." Acts 3:19
"If you will confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." Romans 10:9
"All who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:13.