So happily welcoming the New Year 2023
As you start this new year, remember that, as a Christian, you are dangerous to the devil! You have been granted—by God—power 👊 over ALL the works of the enemy. You have full authority over sickness, disease, poverty and every evil work. VICTORY is yours
Speaking God's Word will bring you into a new arena in life.
If you will meditate on God's Word and take the time to hide it
in your heart, you will find that things which used to cause you
problems in life, will begin to fade away
Happy New Year
Anything is possible if you believe.
Its time for change in your situation
God is changing your medical report!
God is wiping away your debts
God is opening a significant door!
God is releasing miracle money to you
God is giving you favor in your situation today
God is granting you the desires of your heart. You are going to testify
Pastor l Father l Husband l Man of God - Give more than you take. <br>Blog: <br>WhatsApp:+256787833539