NO, NO, A BILLION TIMES NO! Ex-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Emerges as Dark Horse Candidate for Trump Chief of Staff Role
NO, NO, A BILLION TIMES NO! Ex-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Emerges as Dark Horse Candidate for Trump Chief of Staff Role
If you get an email from "McAfee" BE VERY SUSPICIOUS! IT NEARLY COST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saw this on Twitter from attorney Norm Pattis...
First they came for #alexjones, and you cheered — because you disagreed with him;
Then they came for the #proudboys, and you cheered — because you disagreed with them;
Then they came for #donaldtrumo, and you cheered — because you disagreed with him;
Then they came for you —
Catholic "Conservatarian" pro-life, pro-capitalism, on Autism spectrum