IN HONOR OF The God-emperor’s wonderful unt glooorious Ressurection *ahem* we offer this gateway drug to Warhammer 40K:
IN HONOR OF The God-emperor’s wonderful unt glooorious Ressurection *ahem* we offer this gateway drug to Warhammer 40K:
LEST WE FORGET, Mass Gaslighting of this nature is how banKHAZAR$ & globali$t corporate manipulate America into police-actions, $camdemic$ & other boondoggles!
A GREAT PLACE To Start dissipating the “all-pervasive spiritual darkness & sterility” that has held Western civilisation in a spellbound death grip for centuries
#knowyouradversary #outsidetheboxxthinking
MONEY AS SPYWARE: The $INagogue 0f $atan is counting on your love of ease & comfort as an inroad of ultimate control.
THOSE WHO Tote The Note make the rules: WHY You are not allowed to criticize or joke about (((the owner$)))
“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”