SCIENCE WEIGHS IN On Attention-Whoring & the “I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT HER/HIM!!” psychosis: Want to stop pretending & lying? Have a look…
SCIENCE WEIGHS IN On Attention-Whoring & the “I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT HER/HIM!!” psychosis: Want to stop pretending & lying? Have a look…
TRUMP Can’t Whack it fast enough:
“Public education” (communist indoctrination) is a gross & evident failure at anything other than Khazar femin$TA$I workfare & mass-producing idiots
#youtubedoesbetter #breakhazari$tocracy #uprootveldt$CHTAAT
THE SAME BILLIONAIRE$ Pushing Earth-Bitch-Wor$hip & many other lefti$t cau$e$ get gigantic tax breaks for rust-belt city megadevelopments that never get used
#vanityunfair #”revitalizeTheSlums” #fake$tate
(((E$TABLI$HMENT PRE$$/Ziomedia))) I$ what it i$, and has proven it long before the $CAMdemic
#ha$BARAHa$baraha$bara #theirkhazari$tocracy
AMERIKA: Propaganda Or fairly-recent history?
“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”