Copied off of Facebook. First posted on 12 April 2020.
I shouldn't support this man, because he is a racist? But, he recieved the Ellis Island award along with Rosa Parks. For his efforts in knocking down the racial bias in construction practices in New York City, hiring more minorities?
I shouldn't support this man, because he will put me back in chains? But, was the biggest supporter of the NAACP. Donating over $825,00 over 20 yrs?
I shouldn't support this man, because he is not a friend to celebrities? But, when Jennifer Hudson's family was slaughtered by her brother inlaw. This man was the ONLY celebrity that came to her aid. PAID for the entire funeral for all three (3)...Her mother, brother and nephew. And, put Jennifer up at Trump Tower's downtown Chicago? FOR FREE! Wow...
I shouldn't support this man, because
He invokes God? When we had eight(8) yrs of a President that NEVER made a reference to God?
I shouldn't support this man, because over 25 years. He has quietly donates $10k to each fallen first responders families, who loved ones KILLED in the line of duty?
I shouldn't support this man, because he will not be a friend to Israel? When he was the FIRST President to move our U.S. Embassy to the holy land of Jerusalem, keeping his word?
I shouldn't support this man, because he stands between us and SOCIALISM? He vowed to the world, that we will NEVER be a socialist nation?
I shouldn't support this man, because he wants to bring industries BACK to America? And, restore our dependence on AMERICAN MADE products? that's a bad thing?
If this is YOUR argument? Then I am HONORED to stand with an extraordinary person who is putting AMERICANS FIRST. President Trump, is the right man to lead our country out of our most difficult times. He IS that man I am HONORED to support.....
~Peggy Hubbard~