“Can a throne of destruction be allied with Me, one which devised mischief by decree?” Roe vs Wade
“They band themselves together against the life of the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.” (Psalm 94:2 (Chapter Nighty four, verse twenty)
Because you reject the voice and wisdom of the bible and will not submit yourselves to the words of Jesus Christ. Instead, you embrace the fables of men and call it science while ignoring the true evidence in God’s creation because you seek the leadership of selfish, foolish men who confirm your reasoning and approve of you sacrificing your children to the god of mammon. They devise mischief by decree, band themselves together against the life of the righteous, and condemn the innocent to death.
Because you do not value innocent life above your selfish covetousness and lust, you will find yourselves under the leadership of a wasting government. One which ignores you while sending your wealth abroad. They will open your borders to strangers and feed them with the produce of your labor while enslaving you to the doctrine of covetous theft.
Eighty years after the creation of the United States, our county went through a great expiation for holding onto the sin of slavery as predicted by Thomas Jefferson and later by Civil War general formerly US Army Colonel Robert E. Lee.
This expiation through God’s Judgment was artfully explained in Abraham Lincoln’s 2nd inauguration speech.
Let’s end our 20th-century National Sin while we can and return to righteous practices.
“O Lord, God of vengeance, God of vengeance, shine forth!
Rise up, O Judge of the earth, render recompense to the proud. Ho Long shall the wicked, O Lord, how shall the wicked exult?
They pour forth words, they speak arrogantly; All who do wickedness vaunt themselves. They crush Your people, O Lord, and afflict Your heritage.
They slay the widow and the stranger and murder orphans.” (Psalm 94:1-6)