Maureen and I will have our display set up at the East Texas Baptist Camp Meeting all week long. If you are in the Canton Texas area and like to hear great preaching and great Gospel music, come on down. Be sure to drop by our display and say hi!

Maureen and I will have our display set up at the East Texas Baptist Camp Meeting all week long. If you are in the Canton Texas area and like to hear great preaching and great Gospel music, come on down. Be sure to drop by our display and say hi!
Maureen and I will have our display set up at the East Texas Baptist Camp Meeting all week long. If you are in the Canton Texas area and like to hear great preaching and great Gospel music, come on down. Be sure to drop by our display and say hi!
Maureen and I will have our display set up at the East Texas Baptist Camp Meeting all week long. If you are in the Canton Texas area and like to hear great preaching and great Gospel music, come on down. Be sure to drop by our display and say hi!
Happily married, Born-Again Christian, Pro-American, Pro-Life, Pro-Accurate History, Pro-Liberty, Pro-Small Government, Pro KJV Bible.