If you want God to restore the economy and freedom, then agree with God that marriage is one man and one woman. #jesussaves

If you want God to restore the economy and freedom, then agree with God that marriage is one man and one woman. #jesussaves
Father, You are the God of the USA. President Trump won November 3rd. Democrats added illegal ballots and are trying to steal. In You the USA trusts for immediate justice. President Trump is President for four more years. We trust in You to fight and defeat all enemies foreign and domestic right now. May all the Democrats' cheating be exposed. The USA is on Your side. You are the one true God, marriage is one man and one woman, the USA is a pro-life nation and the USA is a Christian nation forever. We cry out for a covenant Christian nation government immediately. In Jesus' name. Amen. #jesusisking
"You will always have a blessed day when you think about Jesus and His love, grace, truth, power and hope." Steven Andrew #jesussaves
Just joined USA.Life. Hopefully this conservative platform stays up and not attacked by the leftists.