After reading some comments on "gun control", I answered with the following, not to offend anyone, only to educate them.
As I read these comments, I must wonder where were some of you were, during your time in school? The second amendment was not written for "deer hunters" or "self protection". It written so "we the people" can retake, our government, should it get out of control. I have never posted that the 2020 election was rigged by the Dems. But lets assume that a political party was rigging elections to control power. If the vote is taken away from the people, how are we then to correct the problem? Thomas Jefferson gave the correct answer. Time may come when the tree of liberty must be watered in blood. That my friends is why we have the second amendment. To have the ability to form a militia to over throw our own government when or if it got out of control, that is why the right of the people to keep and bear arm shall nor be infringed.