Local GCI Home Bible Study. Contact Pastor Stephen Smith for location details and added to mailing list for future home Bible Studies: Stephen.R.Smith@gci.org

Local GCI Home Bible Study. Contact Pastor Stephen Smith for location details and added to mailing list for future home Bible Studies: Stephen.R.Smith@gci.org
[WATCH] #babylon: Past, Present, and Future (1Hour 20Minutes) #documentary from the former #plaintruthministries (#wcg #gci).....
WORSHIP SERVICES: Interested persons in the San Francisco Bay Area (USA) region can contact us at [ www.gcinorthbay.com ] for more information. Weekly sermons are posted. To join LIVE Zoom meetings, contact Pastor Stephen Smith.
NEW Website Look - GCI Northbay
#god #jesus #messiah #bible #christianity
GCI Fairfield Church now on Flipboard
[ https://flipboard.com/@gcifairfield ]
#god #jesus #christianity #messiah #bible
NEW: GCI Fairfield Church on @rumblevideo platform >> https://rumble.com/c/c-197651 << Subscribe & Share!!!
Grace Communion International in Fairfield, California USA, strives to place the teachings of the Holy Bible first and foremost, reaching out to Christians interested in the gospel of the Kingdom of God message, and encourages like-minded persons to follow God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son of God. URL: http://www.gcinorthbay.com/
[**NOTE: GCI Fairfield Church, formerly WCG Fairfield Church]