I'm a transplanted Nebraskan living in the NW suburbs of Chicago. I've lived here since 1976 when I moved out here for a job as a Vet Tech at an animal hospital in Mt Prospect, Ill. My property has a backyard garden where I grow tomatoes and other vegetables. I do a lot of canning in the summer and actually all year round. I've made jams and preserves, canned green beans, took old beef out of my freezer and canned it! Makes great beef and noodles!
I'm a Grandma with 3 grandkids the oldest just turned 5!
I'm interested in herbs! When I was a teenager, I had all of Euall Gibbons books, especially Stalking the Wild Asparagus! Hunted the wild herbs that he illustrated in his books on the farm I grew up on in the bluffs along the Missouri River!