The Jozsef Ministry Foundation was founded in 1996 for the purpose of helping those who are in financial need. Then, a group of volunteers got involved in working with prisoners. <br>We thank our Lord that our prayers have been heard as the Foundation has more volunteers now and they take care of prisoners, the sick and those in financial need and social problems. <br>Our volunteers went to men and women prisons, to hospitals and to the poor to share the gospel. They distributed Bibles, New Testaments, Christian books, food, sweets, notebooks, envelopes, pens, hygiene items, clothes and shoes. <br>Thousands of prisoners took part in our programmes in different prisons. Each of them was given food and other above mentioned items. Our volunteers visited the families of many prisoners and gave them financial and material support. They spoke about the Gospel too and prayed with them. <br>\Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labour.\ <br>This is why we have to do everything that He commanded us and the rest is His plan! <br>We thank our Lord that we bore many fruit and seeing the work of the Lord, we grew stronger and are happy that we can carry out this work that is not easy sometimes. <br>Many of the prisoners write to us hoping that someone can answer their questions. Many of them are in need of financial support. <br>There is a post-detention programme offered by our foundation that will expand more the next year for helping those who are being released in finding a home, a job and in integrating in the society through the church. <br>God bless this work and we wish to bear more fruit and bring happiness to people in need! <br>Iulian Iudit Siminiuc <br>Email: <br>In Association with the Local Church . <br>Address: Fundatia de Binefacere IOZSEF <br>ROMANIA <br>OP.1 CP. 12 Simleu Silvaniei/Salaj <br>Email: <br>